pest simply refers to a destructive insect or another animal that attacks crops, food, and pets, etc. It comes from Latin pestis meaning “plague”. In our May blog we covered the dangers of mosquitos and heartworm disease in pets. There are other pests you can find at any time of year. But many pests seem to be more abundant in the summer. Most importantly, some can carry diseases or make your pet sick. So you want to be particularly attentive to signs of these pests. In this blog we are going to cover fleas and ticks.

You can find pests on the fur of pets. This includes dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, guinea pigs, mice, etc. So we will cover each of the common pests, how they can affect your pet and treatment.



Fleas are brown or reddish-brown insects that have flat bodies and feed by sucking blood from animals and humans, causing itchy bites. They are very small (about 3 mm long). Although fleas are tiny, they can make your pet’s life miserable. Once on your pet, fleas can bite up to every 5 minutes leaving your pet itchy, sore, and uncomfortable. Even just one bite can cause an allergic reaction in a pet.

One of the most amazing but frustrating things about fleas is their ability to jump. A flea can jump vertically up to 7 inches and horizontally up to 13 inches. Relative to its size, the flea is one of the best jumpers of all animals.

How do you know if your pet has fleas?

  • Little dark spots that move in the fur.
  • Small black particles (flea droppings, also called flea dirt). An easy way to spot these is by using a flea comb. Comb your pet’s fur with the flea comb and wipe the comb through a wet paper towel. When the flea dirt gets wet it turns a reddish or brown color. This is from the digested blood of your pet that the fleas excrete.
  • Your pet is scratching more than normal. Just like humans, pets will scratch from time to time. But if your pet is frequently scratching they may have fleas.
  • Reddened patches and irritation on your pet’s skin.

How does your pet get fleas?


The most likely way your pet will get fleas is through exposure from other animals. Fleas can easily jump onto your pet from other animals. Opossums, raccoons, squirrels, and rats are known to carry fleas that can infest your pet. However, wild animals don’t have to have direct contact with your pet to transmit fleas. Fleas lay eggs on their host. These eggs can drop off the host and into your yard. The eggs hatch and the flea larvae develop hidden in the grass or duff (decaying leaves and branches) outside. The larvae then become pupa as in the picture above. Then as adults, they wait for an animal to pass by and jump on.

Importance of Treating Your Pet for Fleas

Fleas can cause a host of problems in pets:

  • Persistent scratching, over-grooming, and skin infections.
  • Anemia. For example, small cats or kittens that are heavily infested can lose so much blood to the biting fleas and ticks that they become anemic. It can become so severe that the cat can die.
  • Tapeworms
  • Bacterial diseases, e.g. bubonic plague
  • Hookworms


Ticks are eight-legged bugs that have highly developed mouth parts that can pierce the skin of your pet and feed on their blood. Depending on the type of tick, they may be different in colors such as grey, brown, black, reddish-brown, or yellow. They feed on blood to survive and produce eggs. The eggs develop into larvae, then nymphs, and finally, adult ticks. Tick larvae are very small (the size of a grain of sand). An adult tick can start very small (e.g. the size of an apple seed). But as they feed off a pet they grow in size.

How do pets get ticks?

Ticks are most commonly found outdoors in leaf litter, shrubs, or bushes. Ticks also exist in non-wooded areas. They can also be found in tall grasses. Ticks grab on to and cling onto passing animals.

It is important to check your pet for ticks after you’ve spent any time outdoors. If you feel a small bump on your pet, be sure to part your pet’s fur and take a closer look. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to spot a tick in your pet’s fur. Some other signs your pet might have a tick:

  • You find a tick in your home.
    If you see a tick in your bedsheets, carpet, or on the floor, this is a sign that a member of your family or your pet may have brought a tick into the house. Be sure to do a closer examination of your pet’s fur.
  • Your pet is shaking its head a lot.
    Ticks like to attach to moist environments, and are many times found around the ears of a pet. If your pet is shaking its head excessively, have a closer look at its head and inside its ears.
  • You find scabs on your pet.
    Ticks bite and feed on blood. If the tick detaches or is removed by your pet licking or scratching, a scab may form. Take a closer look at any unexplained scabs you notice on your pet’s body.
  • Your pet has symptoms of a tick bite.
    If your pet has a fever or experiences fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting, lameness, or other unusual symptoms this may indicate that your pet has been infected by a tick-transmitted disease. In some cases, reactions to ticks can be life-threatening. Therefore, if you notice any unusual symptoms call your vet immediately.


If your pet already has a flea infestation there are several steps you will need to take to get rid of the fleas:

  1. Treat Your Pet. Contact your veterinarian and find out the right treatment for your pet.
  2. Use a powerful vacuum. Vacuum floors, upholstery, and mattresses. Cracks and other tight spaces are usually good hiding places for fleas and their eggs, larvae, and cocoons. If you can, use a vacuum with a bag you can dispose of without coming into contact with its contents.
  3. Use a steam cleaner for carpets and upholstery, including pet beds. The combination of high heat and soap is the enemy of fleas in all stages of life. Pay special attention to any hot spots where your pet usually lies down.
  4. Wash all bedding, including your pet’s, in hot water. Dry it at the highest heat setting. If the infestation is severe, consider getting rid of old bedding and starting anew.
  5. Use flea traps. There are flea traps on the market that can help to eliminate and help prevent flea infestations. One of these is the Victor M230A Ultimate Flea Trap sold by Home Depot and Amazon.


Remove the tick as soon as possible

  1. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as you can.
  2. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick.
  3. After removing the tick, clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
  4. Place the tick in a plastic bag with alcohol (to kill it). If your pet gets ill you may need to show the tick to your veterinarian so they can see what type of tick bite your pet.

Watch for any of the above tick bite symptoms and if any, contact your veterinarian.

Fortunately most tick-borne illnesses respond quickly and completely to a course of antibiotics, so prompt veterinary attention is best for your pet.


The best treatment for fleas and ticks is PREVENTATIVE treatment. There are various brands of treatment that cover both fleas and ticks.

*Important note: make sure you get the right treatment for your pet, especially for your pet’s weight. For example, using flea treatment meant for a dog on a cat or giving too high a dose to an animal can be fatal. Check with your veterinarian so you can be sure you are using the right treatment.

We provide treatment and medications for flea and ticks. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet feel free to contact us here at Amigo Veterinary Clinic.

What's Next

  • 1

    Call us or schedule an appointment online.

  • 2

    Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.

  • 3

    Put a plan together for your pet.
